Why Advergames are important for your company in 2022

¿Talking about motion graphics? Advergames have been around for many years now, but this type of digital advertising has become pretty popular lately with more and more companies choosing this tech format. 

Many motion graphics animation companies and advergaming companies can help you if you want it for your brand. Let’s see what this is about.

Motion graphics and marketing: What are advergames?

But, what are advergames? Advergaming is a type of advertising technique where casual games are used to advertise products or services, improving brand awareness and engagement. The key word here is motion graphics.

These types of games are typically free and distributed online, and since they are developed as part of an advertising campaign the protagonist will always be the brand, company, service, or product.

Is important to keep in mind that the presence of the brand constitutes the core of the game, it’s not just ads within the game itself, those are called banners or display advertising.

If you’re still not convinced to apply this marketing strategy to your brand because you think that games are mainly appealing to young males, well let us tell you that it’s a myth that has been debunked. A case study from 2021 revealed that any type of demographic can be interested in gaming as long as research and planning have gone to the campaign. So, the secret is to integrate your brand into the game experience.

Benefits of advergames

Now that you know what advergames are, you’re probably wondering, why is this important for my company? Here we share some benefits of implementing advergames  and motion graphics marketing as an advertisement campaign:

  • It’s a non-intrusive way for the public to connect with your brand, the users will voluntarily interact with the game. Customers will definitely take your brand into account next time!
  • Although it seems too complicated from afar, the truth is that advergames are very easy to customize. Designing a video game from scratch means that you get to add your brand’s style and values.
  • Advergames have a social component to them which means that they can go viral very easily, since games are addictive and entertaining, people will share them.
  • You can process data with the games, you can know the interaction of users with the game, how long they spend playing, and the number of times they log in and log out.
  • Advergames work for all industries and markets
  • This type of advertising has long-term results since it will stay in the device of the user, and the fact that is fun will be on their mind for much longer than a traditional campaign once is over.
  • They work with a variety of demographic groups

Successful advergames cases

Here we show you some successful examples of advergames so you can get your engines started! 


This brand implemented a classic but addictive game: matching 3 of the same kind M&Ms together so they get eliminated. The company also created an adventure game for PlayStation called “M&Ms: Shell Shocked,” with more than 20 levels and can be downloaded for free,


Unilever managed to get people hooked with a game where the protagonist had to collect chocolates on sites and off the Internet. It also helped to get more traction and engagement the fact that users could beat each other’s scores.


This brand launched a campaign called Scarecrow, where the character dreams of a better world so the game consists of producing healthy food for people. A game with an impressive story, great graphics, and animation.

People are very responsive to game advertising, especially because this type of content is professionally developed, making them very aware of your brand. Although this type of digital marketing can be expensive and require a lot of creativity, we believe it’s worth it, all the benefits prove it.

We can help you if you need a motion graphics company for build your own advergame

At Stringnet we have an expert team in hybrid experiences that include gamification focused in marketing and BTL. If you want your company walk into this innovative strategy, contact us. We can create an experience tailored to your brand.

Let’s go to the next level of marketing. Contact us here. We’re here to help you make your dreams come alive.



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