Why Advergames are important for your company in 2022

¿Talking about motion graphics? Advergames have been around for many years now, but this type of digital advertising has become…

2 years ago

8 benefits of using Casual Games for your company

Implementing casual games in your company has many benefits. Nowadays more than ever, brands and companies are choosing to apply…

2 years ago

Brand activation games: How do they work?

Interactive games for brand activation: What your company needs to create events that give people something to talk about. Probably…

2 years ago

Contact lenses with augmented reality: Mojo Vision will develop the most advanced prototype

Mojo Vision is a company that is “dedicated to helping individuals reach their highest potential in work, play, and life…

2 years ago

Metaverse in real life? Meta announces physical store opening

Some of you reading this article must be wondering, what exactly is Meta? And why am I interested that Meta…

2 years ago

Benefits of Virtual Tours 360 for your business

Getting a customer to sit in your restaurant, hotel or bar, will help their decision to purchase the service. So…

2 years ago