Guide to organizing a highly interactive virtual fair

If you have already decided to hold an online event and the virtual fair is among your interests, discover the potential of this kind of meeting with this guide and leave a mark on the experience of each attendee.

The absence of physical fairs is starting to be felt, for most companies it has always been a crucial component. But to every problem a solution is found with a business strategy. In this case, the solution to update your brand and take advantage of the gap left by face-to-face fairs and migrate interactively with a detailed guide to make virtual fairs very interactive. Let’s take a look.

What is a virtual fair or online fair?

A virtual fair is an event that is carried out through a platform developed to realistically simulate a physical fair, that is, they can have the freedom to mobilize and interact, just as a face-to-face fair would be.

In the virtual fairs, different brands will be grouped with a single common interest for the attendees.

The only difference is that you will say goodbye to crowds and expensive investments such as scenery, banners, municipal permits, cleaning staff, security or local rental.

How do virtual fairs work?

Since the start of the pandemic situation, greater importance has been given to virtual fairs and they have migrated to a virtual medium that simulates the same dynamic interaction.

You can find many features like those that face-to-face fairs had, but being a virtual fair, the advantages are greater. Do you want to know what they are? Take note of the following:

There is no capacity limit

Thanks to the fact that thousands of people are browsing the event from their homes, it is a free virtual space in which thousands of people can enter at the same time.

Don’t limit your imagination by costs

You can offer a complete work of visual art without worrying about how expensive it might be. A good team of expert professionals like Stringnet can give you a great performance for your virtual event in a virtual fair platform.

Promote your brand on a large scale

You will be able to promote your brand throughout the event in a creative way and generate affection or permanent remembrance of the attendees.

Segmented database

You can take advantage of this. Since to have access they must register with their data and you will be able to get a database to which you can send promotions, campaigns of people who may be interested in what you offer and become future consumers.

Types of virtual fair

Virtual fairs have proven to be effective in capturing public attention, due to this there are various types and items, however we will mention some of the most used:

Virtual trade fairs:

These are fairs with net interests in purchasing products, novelties and alike. It can be in any type of food, leisure or entertainment.

Virtual educational fairs:

These are the fairs that are organized together with many universities, institutes or schools of specialization to provide information and recruit students for their application.

Give talks to parents explaining the benefits and advantages by video call or resolving doubts through a personalized conversation.

Virtual real estate fair

Online real estate fairs are aimed at families looking to renovate their home, it is mainly made up of large construction companies, designers, brands that sell products for the home.

Going digital can be beneficial in showing a more realistic virtual experience of what a renovated home would look like.

Online activation fair:

A virtual fair of this type is carried out to give an activity and movement to a brand, it is very useful to generate customer recall, especially if the experience is highly interactive.

You can support yourself with contests, promote the products you offer and create specialized spaces where you can have interaction with what you want to highlight.

Ultimate guide to an interactive virtual fair

You already know the definition of the virtual fair and the main classes that exist. If you are convinced that a virtual event is what your brand needs and it seems to be the best option, we will give you support to make it a success.

With our guide to making highly interactive virtual fairs, you can guide yourself to what will give you the success you expected.

Find the ideal organizing company

Finding the company that will organize our virtual fair is the most important step to be successful. Companies like Stringnet will give you the right tools and strategies to have a highly interactive and fun event for your audience.

Not only is it in charge of organizing a virtual event, it creates a new virtual universe that helps you to meet your goals.

At virtual fairs, a budget must be established

Although virtual events are cheap, it is important to propose the strategies you need to be able to coordinate a limit in terms of expenses with the chosen company.

In this way you can create a budget that has everything you want and doesn’t exceed the established amount.

Divide the event into zones

Having a good distribution in our virtual fair can be easier for the navigation of entering what is attractive for each participant.

You can create specialized zones for each part of the event that you want to offer to your attendees.

Add personality of the company in each space

It is important to maintain the branding of the company in the event and know how to implement it in the setting and performance of the event without it being invasive.

In this way they can keep in mind that the event was generated by your company and have brand recall. For this reason, it is important to know how to implement the logos and style of the brand in the space of the fair in a creative way.

Include influential personalities in the field

Depending on the type of virtual fair that you carry out, you can add influencers or characters who are knowledgeable about the subject that can attract the attention of the attendees and invite them to participate in the virtual event.

Easy navigation

Preparing a simple navigation is crucial for people to stay connected in the event, it is distraction and knowledge that they are looking for and the fact that it is intuitive navigation will facilitate it.

Look through the assistant’s eyes

The only judge we must satisfy is the public. Therefore, everything we do must be seen from their perspective.

Don’t blind yourself by letting the time and dedication it took you to organize the event from seeing any errors. A critical eye will be the best ally for everything to go perfectly.

Virtual trade shows are more successful the more attendees you have, and being empathetic to their needs can leave an experience so enjoyable they won’t want it to end and attract more people to refer to attend.

Variety of choice

When you attend a face-to-face fair, you are attracted to having variety, having few options won’t be satisfactory and will cut off interest. Therefore, having a variety of areas or positions will extend the attention time that a virtual assistant needs to stay inside.

There is so much information and distractions on the internet that if you don’t offer a buffet of interest the attendee can browse elsewhere and be one click away from closing and leaving.

Say hello to gamification

Gamification means providing a playful and entertaining experience for the attendee, this type of engagement can be the key to a highly interactive event.

In all virtual fairs, people remain in a state of search and observation, however, inviting them to take action and participate in contests and giving them the possibility of winning, breaks the barrier in which they were only an observer to be part of the virtual event.

Provide value to the event

Adding a type of symbol or value as a pillar in your virtual fair will give it a more human side that many people can relate to or identify with.

The organizing company you choose should be an expert on the subject, so that in details like these they can provide you with a greater study of the value they need to choose according to your objectives.

Benefits of holding a creative virtual fair

Give your brand a new face

Renew the image of your brand by showing that you have enough confidence to modernize by holding a virtual event and are willing to join new trends.

Know your success with measurements

With a virtual fair as an online event, you can keep track of the people who were most interested in a type of area or product.

Some virtual fair platforms offer to obtain figures thanks to the fact that statistics can be measured.

Win alliances with more brands

You can invite different brands as allies to make the event bigger. That way they can maintain cordiality together.

Stand out from the competition

With a highly interactive virtual fair you can stand out from the competition. It will be the comments of the public that will position you over the competition.

For this reason, it is crucial to provide them with a good experience where they feel part of the online fair.

What you should consider to be more successful

As in any event, there are always details at the last minute that can surprise us or we begin to notice actions that we should have done in advance to benefit the virtual fair.

To polish all the details, we leave you 4 tips with which your event will be memorable:

Promote the event with digital communication

Thanks to this method, you will ensure that those interested can have a clearer idea of ​​what is coming and look forward to the fair, playing to create suspense and achieve more attendance.

Communicate the rules of the game

Remember that it is now that people are experiencing a migration and adaptation to the virtual. We can’t push them onto the platform without a guide.

For this reason, it is important to explain through publications on our digital platforms about the dynamics that the virtual event handles.

Thanks to clarifying the rules of the game, we will be able to provide a guide so that the virtual fair is highly interactive and the attending public can enjoy the virtual experience more easily.

Make alliances with other participating companies

In virtual fairs you can have many additional brands that will participate in the virtual event or they can join as sponsors to benefit you.

It is recommended that all the brands that participate with you can use their digital media to echo the event, each one has a type of target audience that it will reach.

Thanks to the promotion in different accounts of the same event, the virtual event will attract different types of audiences with a common interest. Anyone who is interested can attend adding more assistance.

Don’t underestimate the power of the internet

We have seen success stories in which good internet management can make your company grow like foam, all thanks to the internet public.

They can make a brand go viral in less than a day, and thus underestimating the power of a virtual event can be a big mistake.

Consumer habits are adapting to the environment and needs. Giving virtual trade shows a try and choosing a company like Stringnet that can adapt them to be highly interactive will be one of the most beneficial decisions you will make.

Why is Stringnet the best option for my virtual trade show?

With us you can have the best quality for your virtual fair as we are backed by more than 17 years of experience in corporate and BTL events. At Stringnet we plan your virtual event with technology, creativity and strategy. Together with various brands, we have experienced the migration from face-to-face to virtual.

We know how to make a personalized use and with great public remembrance for the multiple strategies that can only be learned with experience and specialization.

Stringnet works as a team with the brand for this reason, we promise to make more people talk about your brand and take away a great experience that will be incomparable.

For this new path to modernity, contact us! Click here!


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